Thankful Thursday 5/2

1. One Week: I officially have 8 days until I am done with high school! It’s a crazy thought that after these four years of late night studying, stressful tests, and being overwhelmed, it’s so close to being over. Not that I won’t have any of that in college… but at least it’ll be a little different and I’ll be studying what I want to be studying.

Just a little quote of the week

2. FaceTiming: I’ve been a little FaceTime deprived lately, as Emma (the friend I used to call daily) has been super busy. But I got to talk to Emily (from MN) for a while on Sunday night and it was great to catch up. Also shout out to her for being the only friend that followed my blog 😉

3. Finishing My Book: Over the weekend I finished my book! That’s probably the quickest I’ve read a book in a while, considering it was only a week and the book was almost 400 pages.

4. Lots of Dance: Getting ready for our recital on Sunday has meant practice almost every night this week! While it is stressful trying to cram everything in, I at least have something to look forward to every night.

5. No PT: This is my first week without physical therapy in a while! I’m going for the last time (hopefully) next week! While my shin splints are definitely not gone completely, they have come a long way!

6. Shopping: This would normally be a very weird thing for me to be grateful for. However, I actually had a lot of fun on Sunday and Monday going shopping with Mom for senior picture clothes. I ended up spending way more than I wanted to, but at least I have cute clothes for the summer… Also, I loved spending all the time with Mom and we got burgers and fries on Sunday as well as Starbucks. What more could I want??

Exclusive sneak peek of senior pic outfit

7. Dentist: On Monday I went to the dentist, which was not fun in itself, but I’m grateful for the clean teeth I will now have for my senior pictures on Sunday.

8. Haircut: I also got a haircut yesterday for the first time in a year! It finally looks healthy again! Plus, Mom bought me a new shampoo and conditioner that the hairdresser said would be better for my type of hair, so I’m grateful for those!

9. My Feast Day: The Feast of Saint Catherine of Siena, my patron saint, was on Monday and I got to pick out dessert (Ben and Jerry’s of course).

10. Meeting More People: I’ve started talking to more people that are going to JPCatholic and I can’t wait to meet them in person! I also had to turn my roommate group chat on silent because I was getting WAY too many texts, which is a problem I don’t normally have to deal with

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